News and Events

Attending Sunday Service and RE

Sunday Worship (Sundays 10:30 AM)

We are currently worshiping every Sunday Morning at 10:30 AM onsite and Zoom.  Join us for some new ideas, lovely music and some inspiration for your week.  Visitors are welcome!  The Reflection topic can be found here..



Religious Exploration (RE) is weekly! As always, the children and youth will begin in church and will depart after the Time of All Ages to the RE-spaces for their programs.

Local News


Resources available in the City of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.

Colorado Springs Resources are available at HELPCOS, a list of services available in the City of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak Region.  Check here for those experiencing homelessness.


Partners in Housing, Care & Share, Westside Cares

We have donation bins in the front hall to assist our neighbors through Westside Cares, Partners in Housing, and Care and Share.

Please bring something from your pantry or closet to church on Sundays and drop it in the designted bin. Needed goods are listed above each bin. Our neighbors appreciate your generosity.


King Soopers Rewards

The format for the use of King Soopers gift cards to donate money to All Souls has changed. You no longer need to have a physical gift card to designate funds for ASUUC. Go to the King Soopers website and sign in with your account or make a new account to go with your SooperCard. Once you do that, go the CommunityRewards website and search for “All Souls Unitarian.” Click the “Enroll” button, and you’re all set! Every time you shop at King Soopers, a portion of your purchase amount will be donated to ASUUC. There is no cost to you and the money is automatically donated to All Souls. 


Events and Events Calendar  


Sages is an ASUUC Affinity Group for those 60-years-of-age and older which meets the first Tuesday of the month, from 10 AM to noon. Please use the back ramp door. Parking can be a challenge on weekdays. The church has a limited number of parking permits on the bottom row of the rack near the back door. You can also park in the marked All Souls parking spaces. Colorado College owns the lot and could ticket cars with no permit.

Questions? Call Jackie Keller – 719-473-5187; Barb Kohlhaas – 719-650-4395; or Diane Page, 316-250-5262

UU Science Group

All are welcome to join and discuss many diverse topics, like genetics, astronomy, psychology … and many more. Please join us in a relaxed atmosphere and on zoom, you never know what you can learn! First Wednesday of each month,  5:00 PM- 6:30 PM  in the Small Hall and on Zoom.  For more info, or to RSVP, e-mail Marion Ceruzzi

Goddess Grace

Goddess Grace blends T’ai Chi, yoga, belly dance, and other movement forms into a beautiful, fun, and affirming moving meditation.

For details, leave your phone number with Janice at

Shining Mountain Sangha – Inspired by the Teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh

Shining Mountain Sangha has gathered at All Souls every week for 20 years. We meet every Wednesday at 6:30 AM in the Small Hall.

We wish to extend an invitation to our friends at All Souls to join with us in our one-hour guided, walking, and sitting meditations.  You are welcome to join us for coffee and conversation after our meditation.

Please contact Paul Malek for more information before attending. Reach him at or 719-358-1969.

All Souls Hiking Affinity Group

The ASUUC hiking group currently hikes weekly. Hikes generally last 90 minutes to 2 hours and are easy to moderate in difficulty. We hike local trails and open spaces requiring a drive of no more than 20-30 minutes, depending on where you live in Colorado Springs. As the weather warms, the hikes will likely take place in the mornings and may include trails in Woodland Park, Divide, Monument, and Larkspur. Carpooling is encouraged as trailhead parking is somewhat limited. If the weather precludes the scheduled hike, you will be notified via email with an alternate plan. Hiking is at your own risk!  Contact Patty Wiley  to receive information about the next hike.

ASUUC Men’s Group

The All Souls Men’s Group continues to meet on the third Thursday of each month. We meet in the Small Hall at church.

Dinner and social hour will begin at 6PM and the meeting is from 6:30-8:30 PM. We offer an opportunity for all who identify as male to share in a safe space. If you have any questions, please contact Larry Norfleet, Ed Benn, or Rich Lins.

Additional Resources