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ASUUC Board of Trustees (BOT)
Monthly Meeting Minutes

10 December 2024

Attendees: Llnda Nicks, Stan Kidder, Dale Young, Sue Neufeld, Andy Walker, Rebecca Harrison, Gay Harrison and Ron Phares attended as the Board of Trustees. Board member Glen Day was absent. Guests were Ben Wallace and Sonya Bergeron. Attending by zoom were Katie Phares and John D'Alessandro. Quorum requirements weremet for this meeting.

Chalice Lighting: The meeting was called to order by Pres. Linda Nicks at 6:34 PM. Linda shared a reading and asked all present to check in around the table with how they were doing.

A. Consensus Business Items: November minutes, Minister and Treasurer reports from November were approved. Andy made the motion “I move the Board approve the Consensus Business Items for November 2024”. Gay seconded the following motion. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Minister’s report: Ron’s report was brief due to the short time since the last BOT meeting. The new website is live. The new chalice was presented and a visioning workshop executed. The new minister’s study and new multi-purpose room are almost ready (thanks to the Building and Grounds Team). The Christmas Eve service will be called the Christmas Eve & Winter Solstice Service. The Reverend will be taking off the week after Christmas. The dream season of the Sun Devils was also applauded!
  2. Treasurer's report: Stan will present both a December and January Treasurer’s report as no December figures are available by the date of this BOT meeting.
  3. RE Report: Molly did not send a new report.
  4. Building and Grounds: No new report since November. Rev Ron’s
    report relayed progress in the past weeks on the new Ministers Study and the multipurpose room.

B. New Business

  1. Status on New Website: Katie Phares reported that the new website is live, and she has received some positive feedback on it. The Social Media team is now creating the forms we use and there will be easy visual prompts for all the group pages. The location of some key forms was discussed. Training to be released soon will help users. For the time being, the Social Media team acts as our webmaster, but each content creator will have roles in updating their materials.
  2. Technology Task Force (TTF): Ben shared progress that the attached charter and meeting minutes will fully detail. The IT Task Force will gather input and present options for a user-friendly approach to a robust and scalable IT plan for our church. Dale made a motion to accept the TTF Mission and Charter that Ben provided the BOT and is attached to these minutes. Ben seconded and the vote passed unanimously. This will be Motion 21 on the BOT Motion Tracker. Ben will add to the charter that the BOT has the right to revoke the charter at any time. This will become a standard statement on all new Charters.
  3. Governance Committee: Dale provided the BOT with the Governance Committee’s Mission and Charter documents. She explained that this is a template the Governance Committee recommends be in all future Board Committee Missions and Charter documents. The statement “the board has the right to revoke the charter at any time” should be in all future charters. Andy made a motion to approve the Mission and Charter as presented (and attached to these minutes). Becky seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously. It is 22 on the BOT Motion Tracker.
  4. Personnel Update: Dale worked with Stan to update staff positions. Patricia Rose is working to find more qualified childcare workers. The contract for “Navigating Adulthood” program has been completed.
  5. Council Update: Though the board council rep, Glen, was absent, Dale updated the BOT on the Council’s draft Charter (attached here). Dale wanted to bring this to the Board before the Council meeting as there are many questions to consider regarding the Council that the Board will have to move forward with soon. The Governance Committee will work with the VP to come up with a Council Charter for the January 2025 BOT meeting.
  6. Finance Team Update on the Visioning Exercise: John provided a summary of the first visioning
    exercise held the past Sunday. The event was well run and highlighted many ideas from the 40 members that attended.
  7. Lay Pastoral Ministry Team: Sonya Bergeron shared the work being done and provided a Policy and Procedures document that is attached to these minutes. She will begin providing a report to the BOT that maintains full privacy for anyone using their services. Dale “I move the Board approve the Care Team Policy and Procedures as presented in October 2024” Sue seconded. The vote passed Unanimously. This is motion #20 on the BOT motion tracker.

C. Debrief/Update: The meeting was adjourned at 8:30pm.

The next scheduled BOT meeting will be 28 Jan 2025 at 6:30pm.
Submitted by Gay Harrison, BOT Secretary, for BOT review: 11 Dec 2024
Review by BOT by 16 Dec 2024 - completed
Approved by President on: 17 Dec 2024 and sent to website tech and front office that same day.


  1. Minister’s Report (embedded in minutes)
  2. Technology Task Force Charter and Minutes
  3. Governance Committee Charter and P&Ps
  4. Council draft Charter
  5. Lay Pastoral Ministry Charter and P&Ps