Our Whole Lives programming provides accurate, developmentally appropriate information about a range of topics, including relationships, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, sexual health, and cultural influences on sexuality. It dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives. For these reasons and more, we are proud to offer Our Whole Lives (OWL), a comprehensive, lifespan sexuality education curricula. 

Our Whole Lives recognizes and respects the diversity of participants with respect to biological sex, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, and disability status in addition to cultural and racial background. The activities and language used throughout the program have been carefully chosen to be as inclusive as possible of this human diversity.

Seven curricula speak to participants' needs, by age group: grades K-1, grades 4-6, grades 7-9, grades 10-12, young adults, adults, older adults. At All Souls UU we are offering a different age group every year. 

SCHEDULE OWL 5-6 (held upstairs in the Great Hall)

December 1st:  MANDATORY ADULT & YOUTH ORIENTATION (12:30-3pm)
December 15th: WORKSHOP 1: Sexuality and Values (12:30-1:45pm)
January 5th: WORKSHOP 2: Images in Popular Culture (12:30-1:45pm)

*January 12th: WORKSHOP 3: Body Image (*1:00-2:15pm)
January 19th: WORKSHOP 4: Changes of Puberty (12:30-1:45pm)
January 26th: WORKSHOP 5: Gender (12:30-1:45pm)
*February 2nd: WORKSHOP 6: Feelings and Attractions (*1:00-2:15pm)
February 9th: WORKSHOP 7: Reproduction and Staying Healthy (12:30-1:45pm)
February 16th: WORKSHOP 8: Decisions and Actions (12:30-1:45pm)
March 2nd: WORKSHOP 9: Consent and Peer Pressure (12:30-1:45pm)
March 16th: WORKSHOP 10: Healthy Relationships and Celebration (12:30-1:45pm- last 30 minutes with Adults in attendance)


SCHEDULE OWL 8-9 (held downstairs in the Nursery Room)Classes 12-3:15pm except Feb 2nd

December 15th: WORKSHOP 1: What Is Sexuality? & WORKSHOP 2: Examining Values
January 5thWORKSHOP 3: The Language of Sexuality & WORKSHOP 4: Anatomy and Physiology
January 12th: WORKSHOP 5: Personal Concerns about Puberty & WORKSHOP 6: Body Image
January 19th: WORKSHOP 7: Gender Identity & WORKSHOP 8: Gender Expression, Roles, and Stereotypes
January 26thWORKSHOP 9: Sexual Orientation & WORKSHOP 11: Sexuality and Disability
*February 2ndWORKSHOP 10: Guest Panel (*12-2pm)
February 9thWORKSHOP 12: Healthy Relationships & WORKSHOP 13: Relationship Skills
February 16thWORKSHOP 14: Sexuality, Social Media and the Internet & WORKSHOP 15: Bullying and Witness Responsibilities
February 23rdWORKSHOP 16: Redefining Abstinence & WORKSHOP 17: Partnered Sexual Activity
March 2ndWORKSHOP 18: Consent Education & WORKSHOP 19: Sexually Transmitted Infections
March 9thWORKSHOP 20: Pregnancy, Parenting, and Teen Parenting & WORKSHOP 21: Unintended Pregnancy Options
March 16thWORKSHOP 22: Contraception and Safer Sex & WORKSHOP 23: Sexual Decision Making
April 6th: WORKSHOP 24: Communicating with a Sexual Partner & WORKSHOP 25: Self Care, Celebration, and Closure


If you have questions about OWL or would like to register your 7th-9th grader, please reach out.

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Heather Southard (she/her)
  • OWL Program Specialist