Sunday Services

Sunday Service is an hour of community worship, celebration, caring, and exploration. We are currently worshipping every Sunday morning at 10:30 AM at the church and on ZOOM.


Because we view worship as a free and responsible search for truth and meaning, you won’t find orthodox liturgy at our services. Instead, you’ll find a familiar framework that varies as needed to support our worship. Our Minister’s messages draw from many sources, and we host guest speakers from a variety of spiritual and secular arenas.


Our members, adult and youth alike, are active participants―as welcomers, readers, panelists, facilitators, or guest speakers—and we invite any in our audience to express their personal joys or concerns during that part of the service. Music is an essential part of our morning Sunday Service because of its power to open paths for spiritual exploration. Occasionally, we set the prose aside and build our service entirely around the music.


Religious Exploration classes for youth in Pre-K through 8th grade are offered Sunday morning. More information on Youth Group, RE classes for adults and youth can be found on the Religious Exploration page.


The hour (or so) after Sunday Service is a lively time at All Souls. That’s when we gather for refreshment and conversation. We discuss the service and current events, catch up with friends, and make arrangements for future activities on our spiritual journeys. This is a family time as well, when the youth leave their Religious Exploration activities and join in the fellowship.


This is a great time for visitors to learn more about us and meet our minister. At the visitor’s table, you can talk to a Membership Team volunteer about anything from how to find the restrooms, what Unitarian Universalism is about,  and how to become a member. Of course, you can also have this conversation with anyone wearing a member name tag.

Check out our Reflections archive for Youtube videos and transcripts of previous Reflections.